Friday, July 11, 2014

Final Project

It is important for health and wellness professionals to develop psychologically, spiritually and physically so that they can personally experience what they are implementing to others. Trying on shoes before you wear them, tasting the recipe before you serve it, or spraying a perfume before you purchase. Anytime that you give advice or guide a person through their life you should have the experience to do so. “To become agents of a more expansive health, we must begin with our own life.” (Dacher, 2006, pg. 167). The two areas that I need to develop in order to achieve optimal psychological, spiritual and physical wellness are the implementation of regular meditation and daily exercise. My overall psychological, spiritual and physical health will improve if these areas are developed. This class has made me explore my life in each domain. Unfortunately, I think it has made me depressed about my life. I have realized that I am not happy with myself psychologically or spiritually. Physically, I am doing better than I have in years. The other two both need improvement. My physical goal will be to stick to exercising three times a week. I have slacked off recently and I think it is because I often feel guilty about leaving the kids alone after they have been alone all day. I need to stay motivated. My psychological goal will be to get out of this depressive state that I have been in. I truly think I need some time for myself. Working two jobs, seven days a week, and three classes this term has taken its toll on me. I need to fix this. My spiritual goal is to start doing yoga or meditation. I am going to really try to do this in between this term ending and the next beginning. To foster growth physically I am going to be more aggressive about my actions. I am going to take a few breaks during my workday and take two fifteen minute walks. I am going to get my kids back on a bedtime schedule, so that I can fit in at least a 30 minute bike ride before it gets dark outside. To be more stable psychological I am going to seek ways to deal with my sadness. If I improve myself physically then it will help me psychologically. I will start deep breathing techniques to relieve the stress in my life. I also need to deal with a few family issues that are going on in my life. To foster my spiritual growth I am going to seek somebody/something to believe in. I wasn’t raised in a religious family and I think I am drawn more towards Buddhism. I am going to explore this and also start to concentrate on meditation. There are retreats in my area that I have looked into and I WILL attend one in the near future. I am going to sit down and write out a plan. Things to get rid of and things to add. Out with the negative and in with the positive. This list will be my guide to improvement within my soul. My bucket list. Once this is accomplished I will have no problem maintaining this improvement because it will be my new lifestyle.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Meeting Aesclepius

Meeting Aesclepius talked about your subtle mind. As I listened to this session I pictured my grandfather that has passed many years ago. This was a relaxing to me. I was able to connect in this way. This made me take a step back throughout the week and think about how life is too short. One cannot lead another where one has not gone himself. This simply means that we cannot teach what we haven’t experience ourselves. I believe this should be mandatory, just like it is with getting a clinical license. I can implement spiritual growth in my life by finding something to believe in...

Monday, June 23, 2014

unit 6

Universal Loving kindness exercise was not too difficult for me. I have an open mind to everything, so I think that trait helps me with every exercise. The greatest area that needs work is biological category. I was on a healthy diet and for financial reasons I seem to have slipped off of the shopping list. I have had to buy microwavable meals to save money and time. This upsets me because I was doing so well. The assessment and exercise process was interesting due to it focusing on others. It left me with the thought that my problems are solvable. My area to focus will be my biological health. I need to get back on track with exercise and eating healthier.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Subtle Mind

Peaceful breathing does lead to peaceful mind. I practiced this at my desk, with all the commotion going on around me. I again, liked the ocean sound, just like the Loving Kindness practice. Ten deep breaths were a lot for me, but I did it. My mind did wander and I will practice this throughout the week. Spiritual wellness, mentally and psychically, relieves a lot of stress for me. This can ruin a person’s life if it takes control of you. I know I am not where I want to be spiritual, but I know where I want to be. I must get there,, before it is too late. Maybe I should live by the beach.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Human Flourishing

Any recording of ocean waves is beneficial to me. The relaxation of being at peace with my body soothed me. This experience was calming, especially since I was at the beach this past weekend. I found this recording easy to follow and it gave good advice, so I would recommend it to others. Daily mental work outs can create human flourishing. This can be done by meditating everyday for 5-10 minutes. I think a person must be open minded and believe in this technique for it to work. Once human flourishing is accomplished your life will filled with happiness.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Hello Bloggers! Rating myself 1-10.. my physical well being is an 8. I say 8 because I am dieting and exercising for the first time ever and I feel good! (8 explains, I 8 too much before.) I just lost 15 lbs. Go me! My spiritual well being is a 5. I am not where I want to be, but I am at the hump. Class helps! My psychological well being is a 3. Boo me! I am stressed, and hoping that this degree can be turned into something rewarding. Moving forward toward my goal… no matter what gets in my way. There is no stopping me now. More weight loss, better from the inside out and moving on to a non stressful life. The Crime of the Century exercise agitated me today. I think it is due to being a man’s voice. Not too soothing today. Sounded like Charlie Browns teacher to me. THE ONLY PERSON YOU SHOULD TRY TO BE BETTER THAN IS..THE PERSON YOU WERE YESTERDAY.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Journey On Relaxation

Today, I put this link to the test. Right now, I am sitting at my desk. In one ear, I have everyday bickering among the ladies in the office and in the other ear, my ear phones. Decreasing muscle tension is definitely needed today. The stress level in this environment is the most I have ever encountered, I can feel it in my bones. SO, on that note. I am going to put blog on hold, and let this journey of relaxation do it's thing. Please hold.......and enjoy the music.